About the CCC Foundation

CCC Foundation is dedicated to raising friends and funds to support students and instruction at Clackamas Community College.

One of the top reasons students cite for dropping out or never starting college is finances. We work to build scholarships and resources that help students achieve their dreams, while they build our communities. Studies show that more than 80% of community college students live, work, raise their families, start businesses, shop, and volunteer right where they attend college. They truly are our future!

Many of our students work full-time or several part-time jobs while balancing family, community, volunteer and personal commitments. Scholarships make a tremendous difference in their ability to attend college and other basic needs supports that the CCC Foundation provides help them across the finish line. Gifts to scholarship funds and basic needs funds have allowed the foundation to make education possible for thousands of students. 

The Foundation is a separate not-for-profit corporation and Foundation monies are managed separately from the College. Community leaders generously volunteer their time, talent, and resources by serving on the board of directors. Endowed funds are invested through Coldstream, with oversight by an Investment Committee appointed by the Foundation Board of Directors. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Funds raised through the Foundation benefit students, campuses, and programs across our district.